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7 Content Marketing Ways Insurance Agencies Can Use to Generate More Leads

7 Content Marketing Ways Insurance Agencies Can Use to Generate More Leads

As its name suggests, content marketing is all about the creation and sharing of content. How can you use this form of marketing to generate more leads for your insurance agency?

Check out the following seven types of content that you can create and promote to get more leads and use them as part of your insurance agency marketing strategy.



youtube for insurance agenciesYouTube and social media alone have made video some of the most popular online content today. Why not use what’s well-received? There’s plenty of room for variety and originality.

For example, you can produce a short explainer video that details the benefits of working with an agency like yours. Or you could do a video version of a case study, which will be discussed in more detail shortly.

To generate leads, you’ll want to include a clear, concrete call-to-action in each video.

For example, in a video shared on social media, you could encourage viewers to visit your blog. You could provide a link in your social media profile to make it easy for viewers to do what you’ve asked. Then, once on your blog, another perfectly positioned CTA could ask then to subscribe to your blog. Voila, you have a new lead!

Case Studies

case studiesBesides a video format, you can also create written case studies. Basically, a case study would allow you to feature a client of your insurance agency. You can explain the problems and challenges the client faced before finding your agency. You could also explain how you helped to solve or overcome those problems and challenges.

More than likely, those viewing the case study can relate to the same pain points. By creating an emotional response and connection to the story, readers may see you as the solution, the hero of the story. They’ll then be more likely to engage further.

White Papers

The aim of white papers is to educate readers through a longer form piece of content. They are completely informational and all information is backed up by data and stats. This makes white papers a prime gated content offer opportunity. Gating refers to requiring at least a name and email address to view a piece of content.

It’s especially wise to gate white papers if you’ve done your own research or made a new discovery. It’s also wise if you’ve included the research of thought leaders in your industry. All the above are valuable insights that your audience would be hard-pressed or even unable to find elsewhere. A name, email address and possibly some other information is a fair trade for this content.


bloggingA blog that’s optimized for search engines can be a powerful lead generation tool for any good business website design. For one thing, blogging regularly on relevant, interesting topics will show your expertise. As your optimized content continually appears high up in search engine results, you’ll become an authority on insurance matters.

With credibility and authority on your side, more visitors will flock to your blog. There you can provide them with the information they’re looking for, causing them to become more attached to your agency. Then comes the call-to-action, encouraging them to subscribe to the blog or take another appropriate action. This inbound marketing strategy is suited for the long-term.


Free, short, interactive, educational and gated. Your audience sees a free opportunity to learn something useful on an important subject. In most cases, it only requires an hour of their time. And, since most webinars allow time for Q & A, they can even get personalized help. What an opportunity!

In offering a webinar, you capture leads when they sign up to attend. Then, you’re able to interact on a more personal level with them and share what your insights. Win-win!


podcast for insurance agenciesPodcasts are similar to webinars in that they offer free education in short bursts. You want to be sure to talk about issues relevant to your potential leads and buyer personas.

It doesn’t hurt to do a little teasing beforehand on social media to whet the appetite for the next podcast. After all, you do want to make sure that people will listen in!

As they continue to listen in, you can indirectly stimulate interest in your agency. Here, CTA’s come into play yet again. Under the premise that the next podcast is an absolute must-hear, you can nudge listeners to subscribe for email notifications.


Checklists, almost like quizzes, are an excellent way to draw people in. You can get them thinking about what they have currently and what they need. You’ll be showing that you know your stuff, as well as that you care and want to help.

That means that your potential leads will be likely to look to you for guidance and solutions.

Leveraging Content For Lead Generation

When using content marketing to generate leads, be sure not to directly or explicitly promote your insurance agency. That will only drive leads away. Instead, focus on providing quality content. In the process, you’ll undoubtedly spark your audience’s interest in the provider of the content — your agency. Also, check out our small business web design page here.

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